Frequently Asked Questions
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Will dividends be distributed?
You can access ebebek profit distribution policy at .
What is the status of the solar power plant process among the investment decisions stated in the prospectus?
The solar power plant will be a part of our warehouse investment in Banaz district of Uşak province.
Do you think being in line with the Participation Index is a long-term strategic goal for your company?
For our company, this issue is more than just a goal; it is a business principle.
What is your company's sensitivity to be in line with the Participation Index?
All financial activities of our company are carried out in accordance with Participation Finance sensitivity, and that is never compromised when making financial decisions (investment/borrowing). We can say that our company is ahead of the criteria to remain in the Participation Index in line with the approaches of our shareholders and our commercial principles. We would like to state with determination that we will not deviate from the goal of being a company where all investors with Participation Finance sensitivity can invest with peace of mind. We present our KAFIF Form for your information:
Is the possibility of being out of the Participation Index among the factors that could affect your future financial decisions?
We confirm that, in accordance with the principles of shareholders, all of our growth strategies will be made with the precondition of not deviating from the Participation Index principles, and all growth decisions will be taken without compromising the Participation Index criteria.
Why can't we contact you by phone?
Since the first day it went public, ebebek has placed great importance on Investor Relations and has been very sensitive about evaluating the requests from investors. With this sensitivity, the relevant unit was established and announced on the Public Disclosure Platform. As stated in the legislation, responding to written information requests from investors constitutes one of our most important responsibilities as a public company. ebebek prefers written communication with investors in order to respond to investors' information requests more quickly and with higher quality and to be able to keep records of these correspondences, as stated in the legislation.
How can I buy shares?
You can trade our publicly offered stocks by opening an investment account at the bank or brokerage firm where you have an investment account.