baby me Detergent Refill Station
We offer our parents the opportunity to purchase our own brand of baby detergent, fabric softener, pacifier and bottle cleaner, and stain remover at 30% less than the shelf price if they come to our stores with an empty bottle of the previously used product. This initiative helps families contribute to their household economy and save money, while also encouraging our parents to reuse existing packaging, thus reducing plastic waste and our environmental impact. Additionally, we aim to raise awareness and educate our parents on responsible consumption. By choosing our refill station, our parents become part of a societal change, reducing plastic waste and contributing to a sustainable lifestyle. This way, we are taking steps to build a more sustainable future and improve the world our babies will live in, and we continue our efforts without interruption. We provide this service in the following 11 stores. So far, we have reused 7,490 detergent packages, preventing single-use plastics: • Adana Öğretmenler Bulvarı • Ankara Eryaman • Antalya Havaalanı Yolu • Bursa 23 Nisan • Eskişehir Vega Outlet • İstanbul Beylikdüzü • İstanbul Bostancı • İzmir Kidsmall • Kocaeli Strada AVM • Sakarya Cadde 54 • Samsun Atakum
Packaging Recycling Bin
As part of the Responsible Production and Consumption Goal, one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, we aim to significantly reduce solid waste production by preventing, reducing, recycling, and reusing waste by 2030. In this direction, our Packaging Recycling Bin Project aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase recycling rates, and contribute to the circular economy. Through our project, we ensure the recycling of plastic, glass, and metal-packaged products purchased from ebebek. Without any profit motive, we provide our members with a 5 TL coupon for each package brought to our store. Consumers who are not members can continue to use the recycling bin without earning coupons. The recycling bin is a system capable of producing visual and physical information about the packaging, matching and comparing it with barcode information, and electronically storing, sharing, and documenting all transactions. We provide discount coupons for the recycled packaging, which can be redeemed via SMS or our ebebek applications. With our motto "Less plastic for your baby, a cleaner future!" we invite everyone who wants to contribute to nature to our Istanbul Bostancı store. Thanks to our Packaging Recycling Bin, we have recycled 990 packages to date.

From Me to My Sibling Transformation Basket Project
In our From Me to My Sibling Transformation Basket project, which we aim to create both environmental and social value, we adopt the circular economy model. Through this project, we collect unused baby clothes and toys and make them available to families with babies in need. Following the earthquakes in 2023, which deeply saddened us all, we supported families with babies in the earthquake region by sending 38,734 items collected through the From Me to My Sibling Transformation Basket project.
Breastfeeding Support Project
Breastfeeding Support Project One of our most meaningful mottos is "A Drop, a Thousand Benefits!" We recognize that even a single drop of breast milk is a miracle for babies. To raise awareness among mothers on this subject, we carry out various projects. Since 2020, within the scope of the First 1000 Days of Baby Nutrition: 14 Nutrition Camps during Pregnancy, 54 Breastfeeding Preparation Camps, 15 Transition to Solid Foods Camps, 13 Nutrition Camps for Mothers/Babies with Food Allergies. Our team of 61 provides free and one-on-one counseling on Nutrition during Pregnancy, Breastfeeding Preparation, and Complementary Feeding.

Play Ambassadors Project
We advocate the slogan “Play Creates Bonds” and continue to convey the importance of bonding through play to our parents. Since 2021: We have conducted 16 Bebekoloji Play Camps. We have met with over 700 parents at these camps. We have provided nearly 1,500 parents with free, one-on-one, and live counseling through our Play Ambassadors Project and Play Ambassadors. We have supported 58 of our baby experts in becoming Toy Specialists. Our team of 33 Play Ambassadors continues to enthusiastically offer play counseling on topics such as toilet training, language development, secure attachment, boosting confidence, and many more.
Support for Youth with Cerebral Palsy (Steptember)
Support for Youth with Cerebral Palsy (Steptember) As ebebek, we support the Steptember organization, led by the Turkish Spastic Children's Foundation, which was established to provide diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, and education services to children and adults with Cerebral Palsy. The foundation works to ensure that children and their families can meet their own needs and become individuals who can participate more in social life. Steptember, an annual event held every September, contributes to the education and rehabilitation of children and young people with CP. As part of this international social responsibility project, ebebek commits to taking ten thousand steps every day throughout September, raising funds from our community for young people with CP, and striving to increase awareness in society on this issue.

Working with Youth with Down Syndrome
In collaboration with and supported by the Down Syndrome Association, which aims to combat the discrimination faced by individuals with Down Syndrome from infancy onwards, ensure equal opportunities, and strengthen their indispensable place in society, we have been actively employing young individuals with Down Syndrome both at our headquarters and in our stores since 2017.
Hello to Life Packages with the Down Syndrome Association
Hello to Life Packages with the Down Syndrome Association In collaboration with the Down Syndrome Association, a non-governmental organization dedicated to enabling individuals with Down Syndrome to lead independent, productive, and integrated lives within society, and to improving society's perception of disabilities, we prepare Hello to Life packages to meet the initial needs of newborns with Down Syndrome. We send these "Hello to Life" packages, prepared with the Down Syndrome Association, to families with children aged 0-12 months with Down Syndrome, congratulating them on the birth of their baby.

Collaboration between MSGSÜ Textile and Fashion Department Students and ebebek
In collaboration with the students from the Mimar Sinan University Textile and Fashion Department and ebebek, we executed a valuable social responsibility project through the designs prepared by the students. Over the course of approximately one year, we worked with 12 exceptionally talented students to create various collections. As a result of our collaboration, the 12 themes sketched by the students' imagination came to life in baby clothing and were showcased to the public in a fashion show at Mimar Sinan University. As ebebek, we supported the university by meeting various needs and contributing to the students' education. Additionally, we provided young talents the opportunity to showcase their skills and gain some experience in the business world.